The Psychology of Humour

Humour is having the experience of provoked laughter along with amusement. The term derives from the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which taught that the balance of fluids in the human body known as humours (body fluid) controlled human health and emotion, although the theory has its roots and origins in Ancient Egyptian medicine or Mesopotamia, it was the Greek physician Hippocrates (460–370 BC) who developed it into a medical theory. He believed certain human moods, emotions and behaviors were caused by an excess or lack of body fluids called "humors".

People of all ages and cultures respond to humour. Most people are able to experience humour, be amused, smile or laugh at something funny and are considered to have a sense of humour. The hypothetical person lacking a sense of humour would likely find the behaviour inducing it to be inexplicable, strange, or even irrational. Though ultimately decided by personal taste, the extent to which a person finds something humorous depends on a host of variables, including geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education, intelligence and context. 

For example, young children may favour a puppet show or cartoons, whose physical nature makes it accessible to them. By contrast, more sophisticated forms of humour such as satire require an understanding of its social meaning and context, and thus tend to appeal to a more mature audience.

If you can find a reason to laugh every day, you'll find that your mood will improve, your relationships with others will seem more meaningful and effortless, and life's hurdles won't seem so daunting - Dr Cynthia Thaik Enjoy the Laugh Out Loud videos and if they don't provoke your sense of humour, find ones that do and laugh out loud 🤣

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