How Do You Enjoy Being Unemployed?

No matter how you became unemployed most would agree it's not the best experience or the best place to be but know that everything happens for a reason and a purpose and it serves you. Looking at being unemployed this way now gives you an opportunity to spend some time developing new skills, learning and preparing yourself to get back into work or into that special thing you've been wanting to do for a long time. 

Below are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare and work towards getting back into work.

1 Have faith and believe in whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve - Napoleon Hill, read #4 Find your key and watch and listen to The Master Key by Napoleon Hill from 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler

2 Find out what support you might be able to get, to help with your living costs. Applies to the United Kingdom only. Also explore GOV.UK to find the resouces, services and information you'll  need all in one place.

3 Eat more healthy than unhealthy food, you know you’ll crave it every now and then, enjoy those unhealthy craving moments, it won’t cause you to much harm as long as it's within reason.

4 Exercise as much as you can wherever you can, and with whomever you can, but at least spend a minimum of 1 hour, 2 times a week that’s only 2 hours out of 168 hours in a week, the benefits will amaze you.

5 Improve on your current skills or learn new ones, develop a passion for learning, if you do you will never cease to grow - Anthony J D'Angelo. Empower yourself and choose from 4,000+ Free Online Courses With Certificates & Diplomas

6 Read e-Books listen to Audio books and play your favourite music the ones that really get you motivated and inspired to move your body like no one’s watching you. Young 50'ers and beyond read #57 Live on the frontier from 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler there is still plenty left for you to do that no money can pay for the unique experiences you’ve picked up along the way, so no need to ever feel left out of this wonderful thing we call the game of life.

Apply for jobs you like related to your new skills, become a volunteer related to your new skills if you can, and now might be a good time to join an online community and start networking, you'll never know where it will lead or who you'll meet 🤝

8 What to do if your job was affected by the pandemic - Many people’s jobs were affected by the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and although it was over 3 years ago, many have managed to return or get back into work but is still a challenge for others. Back then the #1 job site in the world were on a mission to help people get jobs and they compilied resources on how to work from home if you could, find work when you needed it and how to navigate a remote job search. You can view their resources at Indeed which is still relevent today post-pandemic.

9 Every employer has a responsibility to ensure it follows the relevant rules and regulations and as an employee be aware of your own responsibilities what your rights are and what your employer should be doing with regard to pay, contracts, time off and working hours on Acas website, you can also contact Citizens Advice who provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities and if you're at your wit's end with your current employer and living in the UK, get in touch for a recommended Employment Law Specialist.

10 And finally be open to the Universe and the magical unexpected opportunities it will present to you 🌟

Good Luck 😉

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